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{{formatAmount(campaignStats.goalMeter.raisedAmount)}} Raised
Goal {{formatAmount(campaignStats.goalMeter.goalAmount)}}
RAISED OF {{formatAmount(campaignStats.goalMeter.goalAmount)}}
{{campaignStats.goalMeter.raisedPercentage}}% RAISED
{{campaignStats.goalMeter.donorCount}} Donor{{campaignStats.goalMeter.donorCount > 1 ? 's':''}}
{{campaignStats.goalMeter.registrantCount}} Registrant{{campaignStats.goalMeter.registrantCount > 1 ? 's':''}}
Plant a Tree for Christmas!

Join the Ecology Action Center Tree Corps and help us plant and care for new trees in McLean County. Please make a generous donation within your means to plant trees in various areas of McLean County in partnership with other local organizations.

  • $5 plants one small bareroot native hardwood tree
  • $25 plants five small bareroot native hardwood trees
  • $50 plants ten small bareroot native hardwood trees
  • $100 plants 20 small bareroot native hardwood trees
  • $200 plants 40 small bareroot native trees
  • $250 plants one 2-3" diameter, 6-7' tall native tree
  • $500 plants two 2-3" diameter, 6-7' tall native trees or 100 small bareroot native seedlings
  • $1000 plants 200 bareroot native hardwood trees or four 2-3" diameter, 6-7' native trees

Donating to the Ecology Action Center's Tree Planting efforts is a meaningful way to recognize someone special in your life or to honor a deceased loved one.  If you choose to honor someone in this way, please provide us with as much contact information as possible.  

For memorial tree contributions, please be sure to both indicate for whom the tree is being donated (Tribute Name) and to whom to provide the notification (Acknowledgee). Memorial tree acknowledgment tree certificates will be sent to the Acknowledgee by the Ecology Action Center. 

Tree Donations made in honor of an individual (or family, organization, or other group) will be sent to the Acknowledgee.  Use the "Tribute Name" field to indicate whom is being honored.  

If you wish to have the certificate sent directly to this honoree, also indicate this person in the Acknowledgee name and contact information fields.  If you wish to have the certificate sent to yourself or another individual to distribute to the honoree, please use the Acknowledgee name and contact information fields accordingly.

Note: Tree Tributes intended as gifts for Christmas 2023 must be made by the end of the day Tuesday, December 19, 2023 in order to be received before the holiday.

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A tribute to a living individual or group, for a birthday, holiday gift, special occasion, or special recognition
In remembrance of a deceased loved one
If you wish to have a short personalized message from you included in the tribute, please write it here.
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{{ccfpInfo.notInGoodMessage || ''}}
{{donationAmountStr}}/{{recurringUnitText}} USD
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